

If there's one thing we've all learned about the world we live in today it's that internet marketing and the technology that drives it are continuing to evolve at an almost dizzying pace.

Which is why it's important to stop. Take a breath. Then turn to a partner who can help you make sense of it all, and put things into perspective.

Sorting out the trends that may come and go from the next truly big things is one of the reasons we constantly monitor what's happening in the world of internet marketing, and advise our clients on news that may be important to them.

Here are some of the latest stories we are following:

  • Super Bowl Search Behavior (2/6/12)
  • Interesting search trends from Google. Various searches were trending before the game, during and after the game.
  • Nike loves interactive over TV spots
  • Nike's reach and personal approach to interactive marketing are a great example of the power of online marketing.